Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's Kind of A Big Deal

And I am long overdue for an update, so I must warn you that this is going to be a long one....I recommend sitting back and relaxing or stop reading now....

Last Thursday: I had therapy in the morning in which I rode in the backseat of my own car while my therapist drove me around. I had no idea where we were going and I desperately pleaded with him to let me out of the car for all of 1 minute. Within that minute my anxiety level went from a 10 to a 2....not so bad :) Then we drove around for 20 minutes and I had no anxiety. THEN, he got on the highway...anxiety shot back up to a 10, but dissipated as quickly as it set in. All in all, it was a great exposure experience.

Then I spend the rest of the afternoon anticipating the drive to my friend's rehearsal dinner. The anxiety stayed at about a 7 for the entire afternoon. I desperately wanted to call in sick, but I couldn't let me best friend down like that. So, I sucked it up, cried, and got in the car. About a mile into the drive, the anxiety vanished and I made the hour drive not just anxiety-free, but excited! And. THEN....I took the highway the whole way back with a little encouragement from my other friend who was riding shotgun. Needless to say, I was quite proud of myself. Many a gold star were handed out last Thursday.

Friday: an all around uneventful day

Saturday: I was supposed to get a manicure and a pedicure Saturday morning. I HATE any activity that involves me sitting in one place for too long. My lack of patience is an anxiety playground. I didn't really think I could afford a manicure AND a pedicure, but my husband insisted that I use them as a reward for all of my hard work over the previous week. I compromised for both anxious and financial reason and just got a manicure. About halfway through my anxiety skyrocketed to about an 8 and I was soooo close to throwing a $20 down on the table and running out, never to look back. But I didn't. I sat there, let the anxiety subside and even managed to enjoy myself.

Later that night I spent the night at the bride's house. I knew when I agreed to do this that it was not a good idea. I can barely sleep in my own house, nevermind someone else's. I was able to fall asleep with ease, but about two hours later (3am) I awoke and had a full blown panic attach. I was hot, confused, and tired. My heart was racing and I couldn't fall back asleep. At about 4:30am I woke her up, explained the situation, and headed home to try and get some sleep. i was freaking out because I knew that if I didn't get some sleep then I would be much more prone to anxiety the following day, which was the WEDDING DAY!!! So, I got home and still couldn't get my anxiety to come down. Finally, I passed out at 6am but had to get up at 9am to start my day. Altogether I got a total of 5 hours of sleep....not good.

Sunday: I woke up and had a million errands to run before the wedding including getting my hair done. Again, I was not looking forward to this for the same reasons that I hate getting my nails done. But I did it and with no anxiety at all despite how exhausted I was.

I made it the wedding venue and the day passed so quickly. About an hour before the wedding the bride herself started getting super anxious. I was able to come to her rescue (which was a total ego boost for me) and explain how the anticipation is the worst past. I assured her that as soon as she took that first step down the aisle, all of the anxiety would dissipate. Sure enough, I was right :)

I, too, made it down the aisle anxiety free, gave an amazing speech. I had the room laughing one minute and in tears the next. I did quite a fantastic job if I don't say so myself.

The wedding was beautiful, fun, and fast. I had so much to celebrate: my very best friend getting married, the beautiful day we were blessed with, and being one step closer to conquering my monster.

Back to the present: There are many other little things that I exposed myself to this past week, as well. I won't spare you the details because they were simply baby steps. But I am really starting to get the hang of this and little by little, I can feel this dark cloud lifting from my life. It's been so long since I experienced hope and damn, it feels good. I'm addicted. I want more. And more exactly what I have signed myself up for.

Today in therapy, I drove around downtown Baltimore (not so scary as I thought). I sat in traffic. Only for a 1/4 of a mile and it was moving slowly, but still I did it. And I did it while my anxiety was at a about an 8. Wouldn't you know, I'm still alive to tell the story.

Next week, my therapist and I are visiting the emergency wing of the hospital. The plan is to confront my fear of grossness, sickness, and death. I'm kind of looking forward to it actually....

The following week my husband will be joining me so that he can get tips and lessons on how to best "deal" with me. How he can encourage me to push myself without pushing too hard. How he can be the kind of strength that I want, not the kind that I am dependant upon. We will be riding the light rail. Super scary, but I know that I can do it....

Here's to a week of successful exposures and many more to come. And here's to this very moment, the one that I am striving to stay present in.


  1. I'm so glad you did so great at the wedding, that's AWESOME! That should really make you feel good. You're progress is going sooo well :)

    I know what you're saying about sitting too long or waiting...I've been getting my nails done regularly since I was 18 (I'm 31 now), and it's always been a pleasurable, relaxing experience...until now! I dread going and I'm on the edge of my seat the whole time, of course for NO reason and I hate that! It's so silly.

    Well, I hope you've had a great weekend and even a better week ahead!



  2. Thanks Amy! I love the encouragement :)

  3. I am so glad that the wedding went so well. Congratulations on confronting so many of your anxieties head on and doing a fantastic job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Stormy!!

    But to answer your question, I would have to wholeheartedly agree with your wife. I "wasted" 3 years in therapy with someone who was not specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and if anything, my anxiety got worse. I have only been seeing my new therapist for 5 or 6 weeks and have made tremendous strides! I am lucky enough to live in Baltimore where we have the Shepphard Pratt Psychiatric Center and they have a branch called the Anxiety and Stress Disorder Institute where they have been specializing in treating people with anxiety for over 30 years. My therapist is not only CBT certified but he also is recovered from anxiety, as well. I would never recommend any other kind of treatment program to anyone.

    I'm not sure where you live, so a good place to start is the Anxiety Disorders Association of America website. If you follow this link it will take you directly to the page where you can search for a therapist in your area. If that doesn't work, there is also a list on the same page of other options you can try. Let me know how it goes and if you need anymore help. I can be quite resourceful when I want to be :)

    Maybe check this out too. It's the website of the place I go to and it has a lot of helpful resources on it, including a page for loved ones who want to help someone with anxiety.

    Also, be sure to give your wife lots of praise for making this very difficult first step, however reluctant she might seem. You'd be surprised at how far a little encouragement can go as most people with anxiety disorders suffer from low self-esteem and low levels of confidence. My husband tried for year to get me to try CBT, but I was terrified. Trust me, taking the first step to find a therapist is an exercise in exposure to anxiety in and of itself :)

    Anyway, good luck and keep me posted!!

  6. Thank you very much. This information is tremendously helpful. I am already familiar with the ADAA web site but the rest of the resources you mentioned are new to me. Your positive experience with CBT and your opinion on it is especially valuable. Thank you so very much!
